Brief History

The Garu Presbyterian Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programme began in 1976 as Agricultural Rehabilitation for the Blind (ARB). The focus was to render agricultural services to adult blind persons who became blind as a result of onchocerciasis. Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training and production skills in crops, animal and gardening as well as local handicrafts were taught to enable clientele improve upon their livelihood capacity and ultimately reduce poverty and stigma associated with sight disability. A shift in paradigm in the 1990s led to the advent of the CBR concept with emphasis on multi-faceted approaches and a broader purview of disability to include all manner of persons confronted with mental, physical, hearing/speech challenges or a combination of any of these.

Therefore the mandate of the CBR programme over the years has been to improve upon the quality of life of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and their families in the catchment areas in consonance with the scripture ; ‘ I came that they may have life to the fullest’ (John 10:10). This scripture continues to inspire the CBR programme team to discharge their duties assiduously and religiously towards uplifting the plight of persons with disabilities and their families/communities within the catchment areas in Northern Ghana.

 The operational philosophy has been predicated on the bottom up approach to development with emphasis on community participation, inter-sectorial collaboration, disability-mainstreaming and inclusive development.



Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and their families living decent, satisfactory and self-fulfilling lives.



To build the capacities and competencies of PWDs through a process of reducing disability and its effects, ensuring their education, functional and economic empowerment for successful inclusion in society.

Core Values

  • We are a Christian Entity
  • We promote  the interest of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons
  • We are accountable and transparent
  • We embrace equity and social justice
  • We are friendly
  • We are democratic
  • We cherish hard work

Core Objectives


  • To contribute to poverty reduction in the catchment area by mainstreaming disability into development and promoting an empowered and inclusive society.
  • To increase essential and specialized health and community development services to clients with disabilities or at risk of disability.
  • To increase accessibility to affordable services for Persons with Disabilities and other vulnerable groups.
  • To increase the empowerment, participation and involvement of PWDs and their families on issues affecting their lives.
  • To improve socio-economic opportunities for PWDs through facilitated education, vocational training and income generating activities.
  • To promote gender mainstreaming, equity and environmental sustainability by working in partnership with relevant agencies and stakeholders.
  • To improve internal resource mobilization, financial and administrative sustainability of the programme.